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Selectmen Minutes 05/26/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 26, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  Selectman Jordan was excused this evening.

Others present: Walter Sanborn, Donna & Fred Chagnon, Allen & Cindy Mayville, Brandon Giuda, Tom Houle, Bette Bogdan, Richard Holloran, Barbara Frangione, Lucille Noel, Bob Mann, Gordon Jones

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Information Hearing: Authorization to expend up to $25,000 from the Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of planning/engineering for additional facilities at Carpenter Park.  
Present: Commission members, Zach Boyajian, Sue Hartley, Ansel Sanborn and Todd Hammond

Selectman DeBold, also Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, informed the group of the work the committee, together with the Chichester Youth Association (CYA), the Conservation Commission and the School Board, has accomplished to date in documenting a Recreational Master Plan for the community.  As a result of a public forum and survey questions, the RMP has established six goals; awareness of what presently exists; improved water access to potential recreational sites in town; additional and or expansion of the ball fields; development/opening of walking trails; a community based assessment of recreational wants/needs and enhancements to Carpenter Park.
Selectman DeBold explained the need for the Parks & Recreation Commission (PRC) to develop a Master Plan specifically for Carpenter Park.  At present, the PRC is aware of the needs but does not know if the town has the land available to do what the community would like.

This proposal was originally submitted as a warrant article until the Selectman realized, as agents of this fund, an article on the warrant was not needed.  The Capital Improvements Program Committee was in favor of this proposal offering the suggestion that the PRC work in conjunction with the school so as not to duplicate efforts.  The Conservation Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission, School Board, and CYA have established a Memorandum of Agreement outlining this cooperative effort of coordinated planning and sharing of existing facilities and the appropriate planning process moving forward.    

Selectman DeBold outlined the expenses proposed, $14,000 for a topographic survey, wetlands delineation and a base plan for the Carpenter Park property.  $10,000 is estimated for engineering cross sections and drainage options.  The PRC is requesting the use of up to and not to exceed, $25,000 from the Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund.

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BOS minutes
May 26, 2009

Zach Boyajian, liaison from the Conservation Commission and now a full Parks & Recreation Commission member as well added that parking is often a problem and that the feedback from the school survey resulted in a strong desire for permanent restroom facilities.     

Ansel Sanborn added that the plan is not just about ball fields, that when the Selectman charged the PRC to look at a Master Plan, the plan was to be looked at for all town users of the park not just the children.

Ms. Frangione added that the property she deeded to the school was not just for school use and could be used for parking lots, there is room and the wetlands are already delineated on the recorded plan.  

The group discussed the possibility of a connector trail along the right of way behind the salt shed that could run from the park to the school.  

Chairman MacCleery questioned whether the PRC had pursued any grant opportunities.  At the moment no, however PRC member Ansel Sanborn has contacted several groups and has compiled a list of possibilities and deadlines that will be pursued.  It was noted that most of the grant applications require documentation to be included which is the very information the group is seeking to compile from completion of this proposed work.   

Chairman MacCleery stated he was in favor of the idea but only using the initial $14,000 for the survey and wetlands work and in the meantime seek grant money to fund the engineering aspect.  

Bob Mann recommended that the survey include the one acre piece of land across from Frekey's Ice Cream on Rte 28 for potential water access.

Walter Sanborn voiced his opinion that the town could save a lot of money by constructing new ball fields on the town owned property known as the Shaw Fields.  Walter stated there is plenty of room for ball fields, a soccer field and a parking lot with minimal construction costs to the natural fields that already exist.

Brandon Giuda voiced his agreement with Walter that the development costs would be minimal and the Shaw Fields was a good alternative.

Selectman DeBold gave the PRC's opinion that they would like to keep one area altogether and not have separate facilities.  Also, local contractors have already come forward to volunteer their time and equipment.

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BOS minutes
May 26, 2009

The Selectmen tabled the issue for this evening to allow for a vote of the full board.

SUBJECT: Conservation Easement-Myer's RV
Present: Bob Mann, Zach Boyajian, Gordon Jones and Brandon Giuda

Selectman DeBold performed a site walk on the proposed easement parcel and gave his opinion that it was well worth preserving as an open piece of land in the Commercial Village District and although no access now, there may be in the future through access from abutters on Horse Corner Road.  

The Conservation Commission reiterated its concerns for stewardship expenses going forward for monitoring of the site and litigation costs should a dumping or encroachment issue present itself. Once the town accepts the easement, it is accepting full responsibility for adhering to the terms of the easement, including enforcement of the terms.

Brandon again this week stated his opinion that funds for stewardship were not necessary due to the fact that Chichester has a volunteer commission; that this is not a large parcel and the commission performs annual site walks now, free of charge. Chairman MacCleery added that he did not believe the town can charge for something the Planning Board approved without stipulating associated fees being collected for stewardship.  

Selectman DeBold asked if other properties in town have donated money for stewardship.  Bob Mann answered that although the Conservation Commission has a stewardship account, there is no money in the account.  It is up to the Selectman to accept the easement or not, the CC just wanted to express their concerns and recommendation for a donation for stewardship costs.  

The offer from Mr. Giuda's client of $3,000 is off the table due to the fact that an agreement could not be reached earlier with the commission and the client has now incurred additional legal costs from Brandon's representation.  

Gordon Jones is in favor of accepting the easement and stated that at the moment, the commission has a qualified member able and willing to perform these annual site walks but that may not be the case in the future and then someone will have to be hired.

Gordon also reported that there is a break in the stone wall and someone is driving in and dumping brush on the easement lot.  That break will have to be repaired.

Zach stated the reason the commission did not take action on the easement was not because it was a contentious issue but that the commission did not feel it met their established criteria and felt it best for the Selectmen to approve or disapprove.

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May 26, 2009

Chairman MacCleery stated he did not believe the town could ask for funds.  Selectman DeBold stated the Board should accept without asking for stewardship.  When the costs of monitoring become burdensome, perhaps a line item could be added to the Conservation Commission's operating budget.  The Board agreed to have Mr. Giuda move forward wit drafting the easement language, that per the Non-Site Specific Permit issued from NHDES, must be approved by the Wetlands Bureau and the Conservation Commission prior to the Selectmen's acceptance of the easement.


No bids were received for the oil tank replacement at the Community Building.  Lisa was directed to broaden the solicitation field and rebid the project.

The Board tabled voting on the Seat Belt Policy until a full Board was present.

No action was taken on open vacancies.

The Board reviewed the documents Lisa compiled from Planning Board records regarding Mr. Luksza's business proposals and determined that Mr. Luksza never completed the conditions for those approvals and they were subsequently revoked by the Planning Board.  Lisa was directed to send a letter to Mr. Luksza informing him of the Boards determination that his property was currently in violation of the Home Occupation Permit Ordinance.  

The Board signed the letter to Weathervane stating their opinion that the offending spotlight was still in need of redirection.

The Selectmen reconsidered the appointment of Jamie Pike as a representative to the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission. Chairman MacCleery restated his opinion that his concern was not with Mr. Pike but would like to revisit the stipend compensation of the Planning Board Chairman during next budget season as attendance and the additional responsibilities of membership to this group was an argument for implementation of that stipend.

Chairman MacCleery moved and Selectman DeBold seconded, to appoint Kevin Mara and Jamie Pike as Chichester representatives to the CNHRPC.  The vote was unanimously in favor, motion carried.

Due to the absence of Selectman Jordan, there was no status to report on the trash and grounds cleanup projects.

The Board directed Lisa to schedule a meeting with Warden Stock to discuss the recent disputes over the issuance of two fire bills.
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BOS minutes
May 26, 2009

The Selectmen discussed the office expansion proposal once again with no decisions being made this evening.  The Town Clerk/Tax Collector's office is in need of additional space and the Administrator has proposed to free up the copier/mail area in the hallway and extend the back wall out to expand that office.  The conference room would absorb the copier, mail machine, mailboxes and file cabinets in that hallway space along with moving the fireproof cabinets out of the Selectmen's office, to get them away from blocking the heat and help address the heating issue but the result would be the loss of a meeting room for large groups including the Selectmen who would have to meet upstairs every week.   Chairman MacCleery is not in favor at this point and would like the proposal to be reviewed by the Space Needs Committee or perhaps go before the townspeople next March.  Selectman DeBold although not at first, is now in favor of the proposal sighting it is what is necessary to accommodate the needs of the staff working in the building forty hours per week. The topic was at an impasse for this evening without the opinion of the third Selectman.

School Board member John Poirier stopped into the meeting to report that the School Board had approved the language of the Memorandum of Agreement Document and that Chairman Brown was ready to sign the agreement on behalf of the School Board.  All partner groups have now agreed to sign the document.  

Chairman MacCleery commented that he had reviewed the sample Credit Card and Fraud Policies and liked the wording of both form the City of Dover.  Selectman DeBold has not reviewed the samples as yet so discussion was tabled until next week.

The Board questioned whether or not a revised Road Project Submission Form has been drafted from the Capital Improvement Program Committee and the Road Advisory Committee.  Lisa was directed to follow-up with the CIP committee.

Lisa reported that Chief Clarke, upon returning from vacation, informed her that the Federal Probation Office had notified his department while he was away, that Mr. Raymond Guay has been removed from Chichester.

CIP projects from the Selectmen were discussed.  Lisa would like to finalize as the due date is June 1st.  The Selectmen need to decide which method of funding for the mandatory five year property revaluations they would prefer.  Pros and cons of either partial work for five years or all at once the final year were discussed.  The Board asked Lisa to pull the recommendation from the Department of Revenue and will discuss next week with a full board present.   

A Selectman representative is needed for the Levitina litigation.  Neither Chairman MacCleery nor Selectman DeBold could make that commitment this evening.  The Board will discuss again next week with Selectman Jordan in attendance.

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BOS minutes
May 26, 2009

The minutes of May 19, 2009, both public and non-public sessions were approved as written.

The remaining mail and correspondence were reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed, the manifest totaled $226,647.12.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 9:30pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                   6/2/2009

_________________________    ____________________ ______________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman     Jeffrey Jordan           Richard DeBold